Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Everyone likes to get things for free right?

Here is your opportunity to get to play Footgolf for FREE.

On October 24th we are hosting the first ever Cedar Falls Footgolf Championship. The tournament will be played at Walters Ridge in Cedar Falls. There are still plenty of spots available. Your entry of $15 will get you a round of footgolf, a t-shirt and the opportunity to win all sorts of prizes. Now here is the FREE part, we need help designing our T-shirt. The initiative is now on you, go wild, go bold, go simple, or go somewhere in the middle, we will have a vote on October 6th. That means that your submission needs to be in by October 5th at 11:59 PM.

If your design is selected we will pay for your entry fee.

To submit your design you must email it to, also include your full name, twitter handle, and link to Facebook. This way if you win we can recognize you all over social media. 


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